Wednesday 6 June 2012

ENG301- FINALTERM EXAMINATION Solved Business Communication

Question No: 1    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 -------------------is included to remind the reader to check for additional pages of information.

       Copy of notation 


        Subject line 

        Attention line


Question No: 2    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

  Letters, pamphlets, annual reports, interviews are part of ---------------- communication.

       external communication

       internal communication

       ► written communication

       verbal communication


Question No: 3    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 It describes the condition of a commodity in the market on a certain date for a specific period.

       Letter report

       A market report

       Progress report

       Periodic report


Question No: 4    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which writing style characterizes memos?



       Impersonal tone



Question No: 5    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

  --------------- is a group of people who are appointed to solve a specific problem.

       A standing committee

       A committee

       A task force

       A help desk


Question No: 6    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 In which type of resume, the work-experience section dominates after name, address and objective.

       The Chronological Resume

       The Functional Resume

       The Combination Resume

       Job oriented Resume


Question No: 7    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 In win-lose strategy, the problems or conflicts are focused and the party is satisfied due to:


       Both parties

       One party

       Second party


Question No: 8    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 BATNA stands for :

       Better acknowledged to narrative agreement.

       Best approach to a non related assignment.

       Best alternative to a negotiated agreement

       Best approach to a narrative agreement


Question No: 9    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 While writing and presenting your Thesis or Dissertation, you go through many stages. First stage is:

       Preparing the Proposal

       Writing the Research Paper

       Making an outline

        Thinking about It


Question No: 10    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The speaker makes a presentation with the help of an outline, note cards, or visual aids in which method of delivery?







Question No: 11    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 It is saying what you want to say in the fewest possible words without sacrificing the other qualities. In it, the message is complete without being wordy. It increases emphasis in the message.

Match this statement with one of the following principles of communication:







Question No: 12    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Fisher and Ury (1991) developed a concept known as :

       Principled bargaining



       No communication


Question No: 13    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Collection letters are usually written in:






Question No: 14    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 The form of communication used most of the time for written messages to persons inside your organization is called:



       Business letter 


       Adjustment letter


Question No: 15    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one


Making  feedback more useful which aspect is the most important from the followings:

       Planning how and when to accept it.

       Being receptive to your audience’s responses.

       Encouraging frankness.


Using it to improve communication.


Question No: 16    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 In which letter, you need to start by capturing the reader’s attention and interest.






Question No: 17    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 There are ------------- types of job letters

       ► two

       ► three

       ► four

       ► five


Question No: 18    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which thing does reveal something about a candidate’s personality and professionalism during an interview?

       Style of talking


       Physical appearance

       Eye contact


Question No: 19    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 Which of the following is a part of informal communication?




       Casual Communication among employees


Question No: 20    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one

 In a claim letter, the initial statement should contain:

       good news

       bad news

       mixed news



Question No: 21    ( Marks: 2 )

 Write a note on beginning of a thesis.


Question No: 22    ( Marks: 2 )

 Name two types of memo reports.


Question No: 23    ( Marks: 2 )

 What are key advantages of a chronological resume?


Question No: 24    ( Marks: 3 )

 How do we write short quotations in a thesis paper?


Question No: 25    ( Marks: 3 )

 What is a group interview?


Question No: 26    ( Marks: 3 )

 Write a note on progress report.


Question No: 27    ( Marks: 5 )

 Your attitude is very important in order to understand reader’s point of view. Discuss.             


Question No: 28    ( Marks: 5 )

 Write a note on literature review and methodology in thesis writing.


Question No: 29    ( Marks: 5 )

 Define a formal report. Make a list of different parts of a formal report.


Question No: 30    ( Marks: 5 )

 In extemporaneous method of oral presentation how does the presenter conduct his presentation?

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