Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Short Questions Answers of ENG301

Question No: 31 ( Marks: 2 )
What are solicited and unsolicited sales letters?
There are two kinds of sales letters:
(i) Solicited letter (the organization is invited to respond to sales messages.)
(ii) Unsolicited letter (the organization sends out uninvited messages to sell a product
or service)
Solicited sales are the letters that you write in response to an inquiry. With these
letters, the organization has one central goal: to get responses quickly to someone’s
request for information, use the direct plan for the solicited letter.
Unsolicited sales letter are those letters which you write to people who can be
persuaded through these letters to buy your product or service. These letters
demand superior writing Skills. Often you will work with a marketing department
or even an ad agency; they will make recommendations about the mailing lists, the
timing, the core theme, and the visual presentation of brochures and
accompanying material. (Lesson no26)
Question No: 32 ( Marks: 2 )
What is ethnographic research?
Ethnographic research
Ethnographic research is a special types of case study research. It is distinguished
from other types of case studies because it uses the theories and methods of
anthropology to study the culture of schools and classrooms (lesson no 44)
.Question No: 33 ( Marks: 2 )
What is a stress interview?
Perhaps the most unnerving types of interview is the stress interview. Stress
interviews help recruiters see how you handle yourself under pressure. See how well a
candidate handles stressful situations. During a stress interview, you might be asked

pointed questions designed to irk or unsettle you. You might be subjected to long
periods of silence, criticisms of your appearance, deliberate interruptions, abrupt or
even hostile reactions by the interviewer(lesson no 36).
Question No: 34 ( Marks: 3 )
Which points should keep in mind about right attitude for successful collection?
Right attitude for successful collections
Any emotional reaction on the part of the debtor may reduce the chances of recovery.
Successful collection depends to on the following factors
Understanding of Human Nature
Knowledge of collection policies and laws
Using persuasive / positive appeals effectively
i) Appeal to fairness & justice
ii) Appeal to pride
iii) Appeal to Goodwill
iv) Appeal to sympathy
Begin with assumption that most people will pay
Give no impression that you doubt the honesty of the debtor
Use a courteous, reasonable tone but become firmer
And more demanding during the later stages of the series
Remain with the law, don’t harass
Show understanding and flexibility while writing delinquent accounts
Send collection notices quickly and regularly
Never imply in you messages that payment can be avoid or postponed.
Retain goodwill throughout the series
Present you evidence and stick to the facts
Persuade the debtors of the benefit he will receive by paying
State clearly the specific action the debtor must take
Question No: 35 ( Marks: 3 )
Write a note on thinking stage in a research.
Thinking about it
The "thinking about it stage" is when you are finally faced with the reality of completing
your degree. Usually the early phases of a graduate program proceed in clear and very
structured ways. The beginning phases of a graduate program proceed in much the same
manner as an undergraduate degree program. There are clear requirements and expectations,

and the graduate student moves along, step by step, getting ever closer to the completion of
the program. One day, however, the clear structure begins to diminish and now you're
approaching the thesis/dissertation stage. This is a new and different time. These next steps
are more and more defined by you and not your adviser, the program, or the department.
lesson no 42)
Question No: 36 ( Marks: 3 )
What is proposal and it s purpose?
Lesson no 32
Certain analytical reports are called proposals.
Purposes of Proposals
Numerous groups solicit proposals Governments are the foremost requesters. These requests
Appear in newspapers trade publications. Request for Proposal (RFP) is directed towards a
company with specific expertise. Proposal topics are varied such as:
To sell property, machines, etc.
To construct building bridges, highways
To survey water area for possible oil fields.
Smaller Projects are also made town to individual and corporation
Improving engineering and just-in-time (JIT) performance within a company
Preparing managerial staff for work within or outside the country
Planning and basic research before developing any new project
Thus the proposal is similar to that of a recommendation justification report. Both aims to
Problem, alter a procedure, find answer to question, offer advice and training.
Question No: 37 ( Marks: 5 )
Evaluate the basic points of EQ in your interview.
What’s your EQ?
Think clearly and stay focused on the task at hand while under pressure
Admit to your own mistakes
Meeting commitments and keep promises
Hold yourself accountable for meeting your goals
Seek new ideas for a variety of sources
Handle multiple demands and changing priorities.

Make sacrifices to meet an important organizational goal.
Cut through red tape and bend outdated rules when necessary
Seek fresh perspectives, even if that means trying something totally new
Separate form an expectation of success rather than a fear of failure
Try to learn how to improve your performance
Set challenging goals and take calculated risks to reach them.
When it comes down to it, every job has basic qualifications. Employers first look fortwo
things: evidence that a candidate will fit in with the organization and proof that
the person can handle a specific job.(lesson no 36)

Question No: 38 ( Marks: 5 )
What is the format of a memorandum?(lesson no 27)
Memorandum format will vary slightly according to the degree of formality required
and the organization’s policy on matters like filing and authorization of memoranda
by their writer. Follow the conventions of ‘house style’ in your own organization. A
typical format, including all the required elements, is illustrated below.
Writing Memorandums
There are usually three main parts to a memorandum:
1. The heading
2. The subject and date
3. The message
Question No: 39 ( Marks: 10 )
Write a letter refusing an adjustment in a computer set that was broken and guarantee
does not include defect in hardware?
(Lesson no 24)
Question No: 40 ( Marks: 10 )
Write a circular letter to a specific number of people about the opening of a new
branch of College in Model Town K block and also write about the facilities you are
going to provide to the students in that area with a well qualified and experienced
staff of teachers

(lesson no27)
Question No: 31 ( Marks: 2 )
Extemporaneous style of presentation.
Lesson no 38 types of presentation
1. Extemporaneous
This method of delivery is very carefully planned and practiced. In it, the speaker, makes a
presentation with the help of an outline, note cards, or visual aid. It is very popular and
effective method of delivering a speech. In this way the speaker can glance at his notes, keep
eye contact and speak in a natural, conversational tone.
Question No: 32 ( Marks: 2 )
Which things are included in personal data while writing a resume?
Lesson no 34
G. Personal Data
1. Omit personal details that might be seen as negative or used to discriminate against you.
2. Leave personal interest off unless they are relevant to the position being sought.
3. List a reference only with permission to do so.
Personal Data
Leave personal interest off your resume-unless including them enhances the employer’s
understanding of why you would be the best candidate for the job.
Experts also recommend excluding salary information, reasons for leaving jobs, names, of
previous supervisors
Question No: 33 ( Marks: 2 )
What is an informal report?
Lesson no 29 callsificatin of reprts
Informal reports are usually short messages with natural, casual use of language. The
Internal memorandum generally can be described as an informal report.

Question No: 34 ( Marks: 3 )
What is the difference between CV and resume?
Question No: 35 ( Marks: 3 )
Countless aspects of business dealings can be written, but which are the most
common causes for claims?
Question No: 36 ( Marks: 3 )
What are win- win strategies in negotiation?
Lesson no 41
Win-win strategies:
• both parties are satisfied with the settlement negotiated.
• aims to meet the needs of both parties,
• not to win position or gain victories at one party’s expense.
• result is hard to achieve.
• good verbal and nonverbal communication and careful listening all help to achieve it.
• succeeds only if both parties concentrate on problem solving strategies and on
communicating well.
• bargaining on the interests of both parties.
• Each party is then more likely to be committed to the outcome.
• Even as you reach a win-win conclusion that suits both parties, circumstances can change.
successfully negotiating a difficult or important issue, take the time to follow up to check that
other party also considers that the result is win-win.
Question No: 37 ( Marks: 5 )
Write a note on chronological resume.
Lesson no 34 combinaton of resumes
The Combination Resume

A combination resume includes the best features of the chronological and functional
Nevertheless, it is not commonly used, and it has two major disadvantages:
(1) it tends to be longer, and
(2) it can be repetitious if you have to list your accomplishments and skills in both the
functional section and the chronological job descriptions.
To obtain a position as a special events coordinator that will utilize my skills and experience
Skills and capabilities
Plan and coordinate large-scale public events
Develop community support for concerts, festivals, and the arts
Manage publicity for major events
Coordinate activities of diverse community groups
Establish and maintain financial controls for public events
Negotiate contracts with performers, carpenters, electricians, and suppliers.
Question No: 38 ( Marks: 5 )
What is E Q and its importance for a successful job?
What’s your EQ?
Think clearly and stay focused on the task at hand while under pressure
Admit to your own mistakes
Meeting commitments and keep promises
Hold yourself accountable for meeting your goals
Seek new ideas for a variety of sources
Handle multiple demands and changing priorities.
Make sacrifices to meet an important organizational goal.
Cut through red tape and bend outdated rules when necessary
Seek fresh perspectives, even if that means trying something totally new
Separate form an expectation of success rather than a fear of failure
Try to learn how to improve your performance
Set challenging goals and take calculated risks to reach them.
When it comes down to it, every job has basic qualifications. Employers first look fortwo
things: evidence that a candidate will fit in with the organization and proof that
the person can handle a specific job.
Current research shows that employees with certain personality traits tend to be more

Successful at their job. As a result, many employers today seek candidates with a high
“emotional intelligence,” or EQ (emotional quotient). People with a high EQ
generally possess these desirable attributes: self-awareness, good impulse control,
persistence, confidence, self-motivation, and empathy, as well as the ability to
persuade, articulate a mission, interpret the mood of a group, and communicate with
people in terms they understand.
Question No: 39 ( Marks: 10 )
Write a report on the functioning of some second class hotels in your city to the head
of hotels management association of your province.

Question No: 40 ( Marks: 10 )
A software house is looking for a person having master’s degree in computer science
Along with four years experience, he should have proficiencies in data base, web
Designing, networking and architecture in a trouble shooting environment, he should
also be competent in human resource management to fill a challenging position in an
Organization, make a CV which will enable you to win the required job.
Question No: 33 ( Marks: 2 )
Write names of text part of a formal report.
Formal reports are carefully structured; they stress objectivity and organization, contain,
much detail, and are written in a style that tends to eliminate such elements as personal
Question No: 34 ( Marks: 3 )
How do we write short quotations in a thesis paper?
Answer in lecture no 43 thesis writing and presetation

Question No: 35 ( Marks: 3 )
Write format of a functional resume.
Question No: 36 ( Marks: 3 )
Write a note on the tone of a memorandum.
Tone of Memorandums
In most companies and organization, memorandums are written in the first person, just as
business letters are. Informal writing style characterizes the memos. The tone of the memo is
influenced by the position held by the writer in relation to that held by the receiver. Also,
the topic under consideration plays an important part in determining tone. Obviously a
person writing o a company official to report the results of a financial audit will be more
formal than a person rating a co-worker about some routine matter.
An important factor is the personality of the individual receiving the memorandum. The
resident, for example, may insist on informality, whereas a peer might like a formal,
impersonal tone. Therefore, the effective business writer must evaluate the position of the
reader, the topic
under consideration, and the personality of the reader when setting the tone of the memo.
Question No: 37 ( Marks: 5 )
What is the difference between cover letter and resume?
Question No: 38 ( Marks: 5 )
Write a note on market report.
Market Report
A market report describes the condition of a commodity in the market on a certain date for a
specific period. It points out the business conditions in a market at a given time.
Market Report may be of a day, a week, a month, a year or even a number of years.
Daily Market Report shows the price of goods on a mentioned date. It also describes the
rates of the previous day, the opening rates of that day, the highest and the lowest rates and
the demand and supply of the commodities on that particular day.
Daily newspapers, television, radio and internet give this information. Consumers take more

Interest in daily market report than traders. Weekly Market Report gives the condition of the
commodities for the past six days. It contains closing rates of the last week, the opening rates
of that week, the highest and lowest rates and the closing rates of that week. This report also
determines the causes of variation in price and the expected price movement in the coming
week. Business communities show a keen interest in such reports.
Monthly Market Report is an analysis of business done during the whole month. These
reports are prepared for comparatively stable market and a permanent demand. This report
describes the closing rate of the commodities in the previous month, the opening rate of the
month, highest and lowest and closing rate of the month. Newspapers, trade journals and
monthly bulletins publish these reports.
Question No: 39 ( Marks: 10 )
You are working in a company which is dealing in foreign exchange. Your company
has seen recent exchange fluctuations and its impacts on business. Your Managing
Director has asked for your advice in the matter and has requested for a brief report on
the subject.
Write a report on this matter.
Question No: 40 ( Marks: 10 )
What is memorandum? What are the internal purposes of memorandum?
Purpose of Memo
When you wish to write to someone within your own company, you will send a
Memos are used to communicate with other employees, may be located – whether in the same
office, in the same building, or in a branch office many miles away.
Because the interoffice memorandum form was developed to save time, the formality of an
inside addresses, salutation, and complimentary closing is omitted. Otherwise, however,
memos and letters have a great deal in common.
Formality is Omitted
The memorandum or ‘memo’ is a very flexible form used within an
organization for communication at all levels and for many different reasons. It performs

internally the same function as a letter does in external communication by an organization,
it is used for reports, briefings or instructions, brief messages or ‘notes’ and any kind of
internal communication that is more easily or clearly conveyed in writing (rather than face-toface
or on the
Question No: 31 ( Marks: 2 )
What are points of effective buffer paragraph technique when we write bad-news
Lesson no 24
5. Try to Leave the Reader in a Pleasant Frame of Mind
A friendly but concise closing is even more important when the adjustment is not granted.
Use the effective buffer paragraph technique when writing bad-news letters:
Step 1: Buffer
Step 2: Explanation
Step 3: Your no (stated or implied)
Step 4: a friendly close.
You may review the summary of the indirect approach to help you write effective bad-news
The writer of the following letter realizes that Mr. Hassan must be convinced of the
organization’s position and be kept as a customer (after all, he did buy an expensive item).
Here’s the
answer to a request for repair or replacement for his automatic garage door opener.
Dear Mr. Hassan,
You are right to expect high-quality merchandise from The Automatic Door Company, We
to give you the best for your money and to stand behind our products when they fail as a
result of
defects in material and workmanship, as our warranty states.
We appreciate your sending the door opener to us for analysis. It appears that the opener has
gotten wet. Excess moisture over a period of time causes this defect.
Our service manager estimates that cleaning and repairing your door opener would cost Rs.
Since your door opener is several years old, you may want to consider buying a new one. We

have made many improvements
to our door openers since yours was manufactured, including a sealed circuit board that would
prevent the possibility of damage from moisture. A new door opener, which costs Rs. 3500.00
postpaid, should give you even longer service than your old one did.
Please let us know whether you want us to repair or replace your opener.
Yours sincerely,
Question No: 33 ( Marks: 2 )
What is bibliography?
Lesson no 43
All pieces of literature referred to should be listed at the end of the proposal using the
referencing style appropriate to the department. Before you begin compiling this section, find
out what style you are expected to use. Carefully adhere to it or you will raise the ire of your
committee. It is important to ensure that all the key journals and books in the field have been
referred to in the proposal. This demonstrates that the proposal has been developed from a
thorough understanding of the important theoretical perspectives and research findings in the
Question No: 34 ( Marks: 3 )
What is the difference between CV and resume?
Question No: 35 ( Marks: 3 )
What is an adjustment letter?
Lesson no 23
An adjustment letter is the reply to a complaint (called a claim letter). In general, the best
attitude is to give the customer the benefit of the doubt. Most persons are honest in their
claims, and it is usually better to make the desired adjustment than to risk losing a customer.
Even though your firm’s adjustment policy may be generous, the ultimate success of your
good news adjustment letters depends not only on what you say but also on how you say it.
Three types of adjustment letters.
1. When the seller is at fault
2. When the buyer is at fault.
3. When the third party is at fault.
Question No: 36 ( Marks: 3 )

Write a note on skills in conflict resolution and negotiation.
Lesson no41
Problem solving by negotiating……………….
Problem solving by negotiation is dealt with by a team or group of people who already have a
working relationship and want to solve a work-related problem. The six-step approach to
problem solving by negotiation will succeed only if the relationship is important to both
parties and if they have a genuine desire to solve the problem rather than to win (see This 8.4)
Negotiating methods………………….
In the negotiating process, the parties involved may choose one of five different negotiation
methods. A skilful negotiator is able to identify them and recognize which one is being used
by the other person.
1. Compromise
2. collaboration
3. competition
4. accommodation
5. withdrawal or avoidance
Question No: 37 ( Marks: 5 )
Write a note on five types of work place powers.
Five types of workplace power .
Legitimate power bases on a persons position or role in an organization. Their authority
Control over resources gives them power hat is acknowledged
Expertise power people with more skill and strength than others have to them; their
colleagues defer to them
Reward power is exerted by someone who has control over resource desire by others. Such
Person can influence and manipulate behavior
Coercive power is exerted by those who use their authority or any force, emotional or
physical, against the interest of the other party
Consultative power is exerted by someone who seeks information, considers other’s advice
and makes plans with others
Question No: 38 ( Marks: 5 )
What are the causes of a claim letter?
Lesson no 23

The most common causes for claims are:
1. An incorrect bill, invoice, or statement
2. A bill for merchandise ordered but never received;
3. Delivery of unordered merchandise;
4. Delivery of incorrect merchandise;
5. Delivery of damaged or defective merchandise
Two other more specialized types of claims are:
1. a request for an adjustment under a guarantee or warranty;
2. a request for restitution under an insurance policy.
A claim is written to inform the company of the problem and suggest a fair compensation. No
matter how annoying the nature of the problem, how great the inconvenience, the purpose of a
claim is NOT to express anger, but to get results.
Therefore, it is important to avoid a hostile or demanding tone. A claim must be calm and
though, of course, also firm.
A claim should begin with the facts, first explaining the problem such as the condition of the
merchandise or the specific error made. Then all the necessary details should be described in
a logical order. These details may include the order and delivery dates, the order or invoice
number, the account number, the method of shipment, etc. A copy of proof of purchase, such
as a sales slip or an invoice, should be included whenever possible. (Always, of course, keep
the original.)
In most cases, and especially in your first letter, assume that a fair adjustment will be made,
follow the plan for direct requests. Begin with a straightforward statement of the problem, and
give a complete, specific explanation of the details.
Politely request specific action in your closing, and suggest that the business relationship will
continue if the problem is solved satisfactorily.
Question No: 39 ( Marks: 10 )
Being an employee of a firm, you have complained to your manager that facilities for
the staff refreshment and recreation are either non-existent or inadequate. He asks you
to put the situation in written form. You are required to write a short memo-report
with some recommendations to present it to management meeting.
Question No: 40 ( Marks: 10 )

What guidelines should we follow to select a research thesis?
Lesson no 43 and 42

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